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Found 1072 results for any of the keywords giorgio in brancoli. Time 0.007 seconds.
Pieve di S. Giorgio in Brancoli, LuccaThe Pieve di S. Giorgio in Brancoli is an exquisite Romanesque parish church located about 10 km from Lucca
Church of Santi Apostoli, Piazza del Limbo, FlorenceThe Church of Santi Apostoli is a Romanesque church located in the historic centre of Florence - one of the oldest churches in Florence.
Pieve di Sant Emiliano a Borgonuovo, (Pieve di San Mamiliano a CignanoPieve di San Mamiliano a Cignano (Chiesa di Sant Emiliano in Borgonuovo) is located near the Val di Chiana, near the famous Abbey of Farneta
Church of San Giovanni Maggiore at Borgo San Lorenzo, TuscanyThe Church of San Giovanni Maggiore is located about 3 km away from Borgo San Lorenzo. Its bell tower is known as the Campanile Alberto .
Pieve di San Polo in RossoPieve of San Polo in Rosso dates to the 12 C and is mentioned in a note of 1070 preserved at Badia di Coltibuono as Sancti Pauli Scito Russo
The Rocca (Fortress) of Ceserana in the GarfagnanaThe fortress of Ceserana is located in Garfagnana, Lucca Province near Serchio river. Inside it is the Romanesque church of Sant Andrea.
Sant Antimo - the Abbey of Sant Antimo near MontalcinoThe Abbey of Sant Antimo, one of the most beautiful Romanesque churches in Italy, is located only 9 km from Montalcino.
Hermitage of San Salvatore (Holy Redeemer) of LeccetoThe Hermitage of San Salvatore of Leccetto is accessible from the main road via a road through the forest and the cloisters can be visited.
Pieve di San Giovanni Battista a Sillano near the Rocca SillanoParish church of San Giovanni Battista in Sillano located at Sillano-San Dalmazio, Pomarance, Province of Pisa.
Acquedotto del Nottolini, Lucca - Aqueduct of Nottolini, Lucca, TuscanThe Acquedotto del Nottolini is not an ancient Roman aqueduct, but a 19th century construction that began in 1823 to provide water to Lucca.
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